Festival Animanie
international film & game competition for creators under 26 years of age
14-17 November, 2024 at Moving Station, Pilsen
competition for prizes, cinema, animation workshops, interesting guests, educational programme
Animánie bude (zase) na Šumavě!
Díky Sirkus - Sušické kulturní centrum se můžete v únoru těšit na druhý ročník festivalu animace a animovaného filmu pro děti, dospívající i dospělé, který vychází z našeho Festivalu Animánie!
Přijďte si do Sušice vyzkoušet kouzlo animace a vytvořte si vlastní film dle svého scénáře, zhlédněte řadu animovaných filmů od dětských i dospělých tvůrců, nebo se nechte inspirovat světem fantazie v game zóně, kde představíme videohry jakožto další uměleckou formu.
Letos se nově přidá i Animárium na cestách ze Sladovna Písek.
Rozšiřuje se také program pro školy.
Kdy: sobota 15. 2. 2025
Kde: Sušické kulturní centrum - SIRKUS
Pro koho: mámu, tátu i děti
Kompletní program naleznete na https://www.kulturasusice.cz/animanie-na-sumave/

Who won?
Congratulations to the winners!
Main Award Animánička:
Daleká cesta domů (Ultrafun)
Summer from Space (FKVK Zaprešić, Croatia)
Requiem (Aeroškola)
Marginalisation (Lilith Jörg, Thomas-Strittmatter-Gymnasium St. Georgen, Germany)
Dotknout se tmy (Jamaica Kindlová, FAMU)
Half Empty (Katarzyna Orłowska, University of the Arts in Poznań, Poland)
Children Jury Award:
Home Switch Home (REKKER ANIMATION STUDIO, Belgium)
Student Jury Award:
The Other Planet (camera-etc, Belgium) Half Empty (Katarzyna Orłowska, University of the Arts in Poznań, Poland)
Audience Award:
Galerie UBABI (Soukromá ZUŠ Trnka)
Honorable Mention:
Klidný problémový den (OPENART)
Never Stop Singing (CLIA ANILUPA Associação de Ludotecas do Porto, Portugal) Time Travel - The End of War (děti ze třídy EB2,3 de Nevogilde, Lousada, Portugal) TITAMIC (14 dětí z camera etc, Belgium) Trash (9 dětí z atelier Caméléon, Belgium)
Potenciál (Aeroškola)
Běžec (kolektiv 25 dětí, ZUŠ Ledeč nad Sázavou)
Let ptáka (Anežka Vrbová, ZUŠ Bruntál)
Express Delivery (camera-etc, Belgium)
Dreamer (Piotr Kaźmierczak, Poland)
Early Spring (Tomasz Brown, Poland) Vacuum (Lara Jakovina, FKVK Zaprešić)
Four Walls of Memory (Joanna Płatek, Poland)
Honza Příhoda Award
Digitální smrt (Petr Jaromír Sýkora, Daniel Typovský, Studio Scala)
Game Audience Award:
Fajtov (Lukáš Masák, Jakub Hronský, atelier_notfound, UMPRUM)
Best Game Award:
Výprava za Pribináčkem (Jan Rosenkranc)

The international Festival Animánie is the largest and oldest competitive showcase of audiovisual works by children and young people up to 26 years of age. The competition traditionally attracts short animated films from all around the world, and the dramaturgical board has selected a total of 120 films from several hundreds of entries.
The selected animated films will compete in three categories according to the age of their creators: the MINI ( under 13 years old), MIDI (14-19 years old) and MAXI (20-26 years old). The winners will be decided by an international jury, which will award the festival's Animánička Award in each category.
Starting this year, we have also decided to award the extraordinary Honza Příhoda Award as a tribute to the former long-time festival director.
Relatively newly, Festival Animanie also organizes a showcase of games made by young creators.

Michaela Režová
A filmmaker and director. Her work focuses on animated documentary. She graduated in animation in Pilsen under the guidance of Jiří Barta and at the UMPRUM in Prague. In 2013, she was on an internship at the French school La Poudrière. Her diploma film Štvanice (2017) won the Main Award at the Marienbad Film Festival and was included in the Best Czech Shorts 2018 selection. Recently, she has worked as Creative Director on 360° film projection projects for the History of the 20th Century exhibition at the National Museum, or films for the Design and Transformation: Stories of Czech Design 1900-2020 exhibition. She is behind the research and preparation of an exhibition and publication on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the animation studio at UMPRUM. In 2024, she realized the multimedia documentary exhibition The Art of Movement: Sport - Politics - Culture in the work of Zdeněk Němeček at the UM Gallery in Prague. She is the founder of the f-a-t.cz platform, which brings content from the world of animated film under the motto "From animators to animators". She is currently completing her PhD studies at UMPRUM, lecturing on the theory and history of animation and co-directing the Animation and Film Studio.

Pavel Horáček
He graduated in Theory and History of Film and Audiovisual Culture at Masaryk University in Brno. He works as a programme director and member of the Programme Board at the Anifilm International Festival of Animated Films in Liberec. He prepares animated film programmes for Czech and foreign institutions. He publishes on film and animation, cooperates with the Czech Film Centre on the selection of Czech short films, and is a member of juries of international festivals.

Agnieszka Krajewska
A cultural studies graduate, animator, author and producer of numerous national and international artistic and educational projects for children, youth and adults. A coordinator of 9 editions of the National Review of Animated Films Created by Children, “Oko Kaleidoskopu”. A curator of several editions of international workshops for children “Animator of Tomorrow” at The ANIMATOR International Animated Film Festival. She organized the Teachers’ Film Forum as part of The International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino! She coordinated several international interdisciplinary artistic projects for children, together with “The Wandering Ale Kino!” animation workshops, taking place in several dozens of small towns. Other projects she organized include a series of animation workshops carried out in primary schools as part of the “Great Adventure with Film” project, or the project ”Stop! Don’t rule it out! Help! – How to make an animated film on an important topic”. She is a perennial visitor of Festival Animánie, where she has also participated with her charges countless times as a competitor.