Festival Animanie
14-17 November, 2024
Moving Station

19th Festival Animanie

international film & game competition for creators under 26 years of age

14-17 November, 2024 at Moving Station, Pilsen

competition for prizes, cinema, animation workshops, interesting guests, educational programme

The list of accepted films is here!


The list of accepted films is here!

Dear competitors,

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's film competition and congratulations to those whose film will be in the festival's showcase of 127 best films.

The list of accepted films can be found here.

Stay tuned and we look forward to seeing you where else but in the cinema.

Apologise for the inconvenience and use wetransfer.com


Apologise for the inconvenience and use wetransfer.com

Whoops! Our repository is experiencing technical difficulties. We ask competitors who will be submitting their films to include a link to download the film (wetransfer, etc.) in the entry form. Thank you for your understanding.

The submission process works without any problems. The deadline is September 1st!


The international Festival Animánie is the largest and oldest competitive showcase of audiovisual works by children and young people up to 26 years of age. The competition traditionally attracts short animated films from all around the world, and the dramaturgical board has selected a total of 120 films from several hundreds of entries.

The selected animated films will compete in three categories according to the age of their creators: the MINI ( under 13 years old), MIDI (14-19 years old) and MAXI (20-26 years old). The winners will be decided by an international jury, which will award the festival's Animánička Award in each category.

Starting this year, we have also decided to award the extraordinary Honza Příhoda Award as a tribute to the former long-time festival director.

Relatively newly, Festival Animanie also organizes a showcase of games made by young creators.