I Am Everywhere

MIDI (int)
Screening: H
I Am Everywhere

A poetic reflection of the situation in Ukraine and the necessity to run away to another country. A try to get a new reality and make new friends. The film speaks a mix of Hebrew, English, Ukrainian and Russian. It was made by local kids and the Newcomers during the war period.

  • Margarita Rita Yourochkin, Nadegda Nadya Dziura, Yakov Yasha Nepomnyashy, Yonatan Yoni Averbuch, Nadya Tikva Pamfilova, Nikita Ivashchenko, Indra Maharik, Joel Light, Pelageya Strand, Olga Sorokin, Rachel Goldstein, Galya Borkowski (14-18)
  • Wild Kids
  • Creation year: 2023